Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nestle - Not Very Veggie

Here we have a pack of delicious strawberry flavour jelly from Nestle marketed under the Rowntrees / Hartleys Brand, towards the top right of the lower picture you can see the nice informative green V (not the vegetarain society approved green V, just thier own made up green V) around it the words "suitable for vegetarians"

This is what we like nice clear reliable labeling, but .. the main ingredient is Gelatine. Gelatine is made from the stewed up bones and connective tissue of animals and is definitely not suitable for vegetarians.

Oh dear...

Indeed a lot of non veggies are unaware of the source of Geletine as a result Veggies are always very suspicious of jellies. Geletine is the cheapest way to make jelly and it is what most jellies are made of.

I don't know who to feel more sorry for, the veggies who were served this by thier duped hosts or thier hosts for being tricked.

Alleged to not worry about small stuff, like killing babies, I guess this is a very minor crime for Nestle who have bigger issues like taking over even more brands.

I just love the subvertisers...